Chronicled Hope

Friday, October 17, 2008


"This is not going to be easy."  That is the thought that seems to crop into my mind as I start my days.  Even the normal things of life seem just a little bit harder, a little more emotional, . . . . a lot less satisfying.  
"This isn't the life  wanted. . . . this is not how I pictured my future."  It feels like these are whispers that are replayed in my head, looped like a bad Michael Bolton CD playing over and over.  
"I don't want to die alone." The fear crops up in me like I am standing in front of a den of lions with no escape and I am clothed in only bacon flavored underwear.  
And still within all of this I feel this great amount of guilt.  It sits on my shoulders, my heart, and my soul.   I believe in a good and loving GOD  . . . . at least I thought I did.  All this pain that literally no man should have to shoulder was dumped in my lap . . . it is like being thrown off a ship into the icy waters of ocean without a life preserver.  The moment you hit the water it steals the breath right out of you and you fight with everything in your self to swim for the surface. . . . to try to breathe the air again.  And when you reach the surface you see that you are alone and cold and with so little hope . . . in that moment the thought creeps in . . . . maybe I should have never come up for air at all.  All that is left is to scream out. All the heartbreak, all the fear, and all the anger and loss.  
But I always believed a good christian does not scream out in pain, instead they are to pray in hope.  "Don't be angry with God.  Don't tell Him how mad you are at Him.  And don't you ever dare question what God is doing."  I never heard a pastor say that but it is definately implied. People with strong faith would never doubt His goodness, never unload the real pain within us to the cross. . . . . just grin and bare it and pray.  
So today I sit here to write this one truth I know. . . that is BULLSHIT!!  Faith is not looking at the obvious broad strokes of life and praying hopefully that is what a person needs or wants.  It is not taking all that the world can hit you with and say "See I can take it . . . now I am worthy of heaven."   Perhaps it is ok to want a real relationship with Christ that allows me to say whatever it is that stirs my heart and not feel guilt about it.  Not to always be saintly and ask to be content in what is breaking me or at peace about what steal my heart away from me.   Does a man that is thirsty ask someone to help him be content in his need . . . no, he asks for water. Or should a dying man ask for peace in his demise . . . . no, he should ask for life (whether temporally or eternal).  I am frustrated to death with the obvious christian approach to our needs, our hearts, our lives.  
I want to pray that I am so angry to be in such depravity.  I want to scream at the top of my lungs that I hate that He is letting go through all this at once.  I want to ask the Lord to heal me but not to necessary take away the cancer.  My heart needs him far worse than my body.  I want to not be alone. . . not to be content in my lack of love in my life.  I want to have hope in future that seem non existent and lost in all this.  I desire to be completed in the tangible as well as the spiritual . . . . and for a long time the tangible incompleteness has been breaking me down.  I refuse to feel guilty in that.  Because in the end I need a relationship with Jesus like that, not shallow and blind faith.  I need to be able to scream at Him because He is the only one that gets it . . . that will take . . . . that won't leave me if I do.  
I lament because I love Him and want him to do . . . anything.  

So pray for me. . . with me . . . in place of me.  But pray for the things you think I need.  Cancer is not be what defines my life in this period of time . . . but rather this is a time to be real with a savior and see how HE WILL save.  And in this case how He saves me . . . . even if I lose this battle with life and death.


At October 18, 2008 at 9:53 AM , Blogger Chris Erickson said...

Wow Travis, thanks for that.

I do agree that you can get mad at God. Yell at Him. Punch at Him. Fight and argue with Him. Tell Him what is on your mind and do not hold back. He is love and mercy. He understands and will love you through it. Open your heart to Him and let Him see all that is inside of you; what is a better way to get closer to somebody than pouring out your thoughts and emotions to them?

I pray that you will find a beautiful, loving God through all of this Travis, and even more; a best friend. I pray that He will bear your pain and remove your loneliness. You are always on my mind bud. Stay strong and stay cool :).

At October 20, 2008 at 11:09 AM , Blogger Lorraine said...

Good lamenting, Trav. I was reminded to lament to God in some pain of my own. I did it. It stunk. I got mad. I screamed. I cried. I asked God "why?" and told Him I was angry. I, for the first time in my life, did not feel guilty for getting mad. In the end, I remembered that HE wants me to give it over to Him, and to lay it at His feet. So, now what? For me, it was to sit back and, in Faith, trust that He will continue to be true to His promises. So, I will praise Him for that even when I don't feel it ... until I need to lament again. Psalms.

At October 20, 2008 at 3:25 PM , Blogger Anna Mae said...

just wanted to let you know i'm thinking of you and praying for you... i'm praying for healing of your body and heart. I remember when you once told me that it was ok to let God know exactly what you think of His plan sometimes... sometimes, i still let Him know. :P But God still wraps His arms around me and tells me He loves me... and that everything will be ok. Whenever i start to feel myself fighting Him and searching searching searching for that perfect answer... practically driving myself CRAZY... He reminds me in a still, yet firm voice... "Be STILL... and know that IIIIII am God. I love you." I know that nothing anyone says will help... but just know that you are loved.

At October 21, 2008 at 2:19 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

My friend, you are being held captive by fear. I'm not preaching, because I am captive by the same thing. Let me start out by saying that I am SO amazed by your honesty and amazing heart. You are so awesome.

You know what? Throw plates. Scream at the sky. Curse at God. He is big enough to handle it. When we were told my daughter was going to die, I did all of those things. And when I was done, I collapsed into a puddle of sobs on the floor. Nothing quenched my sadness. Nothing was enough. I felt so sad and alone. Of course I had friends and my husband and other people to help me, but TRAVIS, you are feeding into the lie that you ARE all alone! You are not! you are never alone! Just reading these comments, I see tons of people who want to help you, who want to be there for you.

Have you ever thought that maybe it's time to find some friends who want to be there for you, who aren't going to tell you that it's all going to be ok and that God is going to make it ok and to not be afraid? Are they the ones with cancer? Are they the ones with fibromyalgia?

I have had to detox myself from relationships that are just taxing and wearing. It's been hard. It's been lonely. But you know what? Through this process, I am the better for it.

You are fighting for your life here, friend. Focus on getting yourself better. Literally surround yourself with people who want you better, who aren't going to tell you you can't ask God these questions. If God is not big enough to stand up to your questions, then why do we bother?

I LOVE this this blog post.

You are not alone, my friend. You are never, ever, alone.



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