Chronicled Hope

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Day 1 - Flash 'em if you got 'em


Every year my dad has a grand tradition. He climbs the ladder, gets up on to the roof, huffs and puffs for a little bit (he is a lot out shape), and then yells into the upstairs window, "Travis come give Santa to me." I am not sure if you really understand but this is a big deal. Up to this point in 2009 I am sure that nearly every member in my family, including my 5 year old niece, has been ask at least a dozen times if Santa would make this appearance on the roof for the last time. By this time next year hopefully my parents will be living in their new house in the country (yet, the new house will be located next door to a cemetery. . . uhhh creepy).

For near 15 years my padre and I have secure the fake wooden chimney, that my mother so wonderfully paint to look like bricks, on to the roof. Which in itself is a nice little addition to the house and has brought a lot of amusement when people comment how they forget about the old brick chimney on the house until Santa is up there (not too observant are they). But after that is the moment people have been clammering for. . . . Santa!!! Up on the roof he goes!

Once the cornerstone (Santa) of the VandeNoord Christmas lights extravaganza is up then it is time for the many, many, many strings of white lights everywhere. Yeah that's right . . .we are classy like that. . . . white lights. After the house, the garage, the trees and the garden are outlined in white lights. . . . . .then we move on to the 4 Christmas trees inside. Ok honestly how did my parents never get onto the Christmas tour of homes. . .really? (Ok maybe it was the orange shag carpet they just got rid of this year.) From now until after the New Year car's will slow down on one of the busiest streets in Pella and be mesmerized like little children .

But thats what I love about Christmas lights. When I lived in Des Moines I would get in my car and just drive around for hours and I went to see Jolly Holiday Lights at least 4 times, all because the way I felt when I would look at them. The world fades away and all there is . . . well, is light. It makes me feel warm and alive, captivated like a 5 year old, reminiscent like an old man, hypnotized by something beautiful, touched mystically in my soul, and deeply desiring to connect with someone else in this love for light. In other words. . . a part of me feels God is nearer somewhere in the midst of these trivial lights. And I especially love the nights that is quietly snows and I can walk around town looking at light as the white flakes shower down.

So what about you? Do you love the lights?

Here are few links to some awesome and interesting christmas displays.

Runner-up here


At December 2, 2009 at 9:54 PM , Anonymous Jon K said...

I've never been to Jolly Holiday Lights. But that's going to change this Sunday. Taking the kids in a "Christmas Party Bus". Clever 'ey?
You talk it up like it has great potential, so we'll see. I'll be sure to let you know my thoughts.

p.s. Kelly and I haven't put up lights or a Christmas tree. Is that bad?


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