Chronicled Hope

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

2 Day - The Pageantry

Somewhere in the long history of the church someone decided that an amazing way to experience Christmas was to reenact the Nativity in all it's splendor. Unfortunately no adult in their right mind (other than Jake and Val Keegan) would willingly allow themselves to dress in assorted bath robes, put towels on their heads (only to be held on with a rub band) while reciting awesome cardboard like dialog and sing carols. Yet even worst someone said "Hey it would be so much cuter with kids being in it."

Yeah . . . . Brilliant!!!! You would think that after the very first attempt of the infamous Christmas program people would conclude that maybe not such a great idea. Seriously have these people never read The Greatest Christmas Pageant Ever. How would anyone ever want to do another Christmas play again after taking a gander at that book?

But lets be honest, it is pretty adorable to watch a little girl cradling a doll named baby Jesus, it is pretty hilarious to watch three boys trying to sing We Three Kings while their fake beards are falling off or getting into their mouth, and it makes your night to witness Joseph whack one of the shepherds of the field with his staff because the goat herder was a little to flirty with Mary. Apart of me thinks that is really why put children through the experience of the pageant. It's because we know it is going to be train wreck but train wreck that is going to make us smile or laugh.

Someday I will be a parent and force this beautiful adventure upon my children. And I am sure that my son will be the one that either knows none of the word to any of the song but gets hyper excited when he knows the hand actions or the one that sings at the top of his lungs drowning out every other child. Perhaps I will have the daughter that get the roll of the angel Gabriel who will forget her lines when all she has to say is, "D . . Don. . Don't be. . . . Don't be afraaaaaid" Don't worry she got the line after the church lady in the front row whispered it to her. I will be so proud.

I won't lie. I loved being in the Christmas play. . . . I got a huge bag of candy for it.

Anybody have good stories?


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